Any Addict Can Get Clean And Fond A New Way To Live”…
Any Addict Can Get Clean
I got clean on December, 25 1981. I have been a member of Bay Area NA for 38 years. My passion and love for recovery helps me stay clean. I felt HOPE in my first meeting. In NA we have EMPATHY. This was necessary for me to get clean. I l was told that NA had no recovery, no book and nobody can stay CLEAN in NA. This was discouraging and very sad. We had 2 meetings a week, both on Thursday in Pinellas County. Thank GOD for the few members in NA, especially Danny G, Henry S. and Carol N. they told me I was needed. Any Addict Can Get Clean
Those kind words touched my heart. We had hip pocket recovery, a little white booklet that we took with us we survived with GOD’s love. As addicts got stronger from practicing recovery. Groups got stronger and we started growing up as a FELLOWSHIP. Please remember addicts were responsible for starting a helpline. Opening H&I meetings, providing information about NA to the recovery community. We struggled together and grew together. It was different we needed each other to stay clean. Our fellowship was growing worldwide and we got a book and an area and regional committee. Any Addict Can Get Clean
We had our first CONVENTION. This experience was awesome. Bay Area was getting stronger. We were helping hundreds of addicts to stay clean. It would not be fair to not mention that addicts with recovery were now able to sponsor newcomers and share about NA recovery. We got a major blessing when Dick and Cathy B. moved to Bay Area. They brought STRONG experience, strength and hope. With their help we learned about traditions and the earlier history of NA. The Bay Area fellowship has been my HOME. My love for recovery is because so many of you are CARRYING THE MESSAGE. MUCH LOVE FOR OUR TRUSTED SERVANTS. “THE LIE IS DEAD WE DO RECOVER IN NA”.
Jimmy S.
از مجله : By area news – Mar-Apr2020
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