Help Center

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  • How I collaborate with others?

  • You can add other users and access them with a particular WordPress user role ( editor, author, etc ). Then you can go to Helpie Settings -> Core to assign publishing capabilities to these roles.

  • Does the table of contents show article headers?

  • Yes, the table of contents shows the headers inside the article when you navigate to that article. You can control this in Helpie Settings -> Components.

  • Can I restrict user access to topics?

  • Right on, you can! Just go to Helpie Settings -> User Access. You have all the restriction features you need.

  • Can I reorder the topics?

  • Absolutely. You can order your topics in any way you want. You can also choose the order based on alphabetical or recency or number of articles in a topic.

  • How can I add this FAQ to my Knowledgebase?

  • You can use our free FAQ plugin to add the FAQ to your Knowledgebase. You can get it for free here:

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    FeaturesHere are all the features you are searching for.Getting StartedAll the basics you will ever need to get started with Helpie WordPress plugin.Helpie SettingsPlay around with all the Helpie settings available.ShortcodesYou can create your own Knowledgebase at any page using Shortcodes.

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